With the 2016 version of Term for Macintosh, Microsoft provides a strong and long-awaited upgrade to an important OS Times application. Mac ApNo Comments Loknath Das for, is, Mac, message, not, optimized, the, Warning, what, your Mac users running the recently released macOS 10.13.4 update may see a new alert message when they log in and launch apps this morning, as Apple begins keeping its WWDC promise to push developers to upgrade their apps to 64-bit. When Microsoft Word is the billion strong global tribe of productivity workers, any sign of mastery could turn you into royalty.
Optimize (verb) - One of the surest signs of prowess over any software. Mac users waited five years between updates to the OS X version of Word, but Microsoft used the time to freshen its word processor's look and expand its collaborations tools, including real-time. Microsoft Word Is Not Optimized For Your Mac.